Dark Corner

Akasha´s Blog

Hey Lovelies,

it´s starting to be really autumny here, we switched our RL Living room to winter mode – the rowing machine is no longer a tripping hazard in front of the couch but back in the bedroom and the couch is turned back standing into the room facing the TV again instead of blocking the radiator. So it´s more inviting to curl up and watch those lovely witchy films, tv shows and …the regular tv program seems to be picking up again, too. YEEEY!

Anyways, I´ve prepared some posts already but …today it´s time to show you a spooky-comfy lil hideaway.

Dark Corner_001

nothing like recharging and relaxing a bit…

Dark Corner_003

something in your hand and a soft creature by your side can help so much…

Hiding in and with:


Truth Poetry *GG – GJF*
[JUSTICE] ZOE @ FaMESHed until the 27th
PinkCreamPie Lucy
Sn@tch Latex Pants

The Hallows Horror Carnivale

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