weird questions meme

I don’t do meme’s often, mostly as I’m not sure people really want to read about me and my Second Life is pretty boring really. But I decided to do this one created by Strawberry Singh.
weird questions meme
1. Which was the last sim you visited? (other than your home): Pink Fuel – I really, really need a skin change and I was going from North to South, East to West across the grid in my search. Pink Fuel is where I decided to call it a night.

2. Does your avatar look like the real you? Yeah nah… *smh*. I think she may look like something I would like to look like, except not so plastic! Would love to be as short though.

3. Do you wear underwear/panties underneath your clothing when out and about on the grid? I used to more often when mesh was just released and half the grid didn’t have mesh enabled viewers yet, but now mostly only when I see that I may flash someone.

4. If you won a million linden dollars, what would be the first thing you buy inworld? I would buy a course on how to make mesh furniture in Second Life. I would love to buy more country chic furniture , but I can’t seem to find what I’m looking for, so I want to make it. If you know of any stores out there selling it, let me know!

5. Have you ever bought something in SL and then realized afterwards that you had already owned it from before? Yup, this has happened once or twice, maybe more. At this stage the more I try to arrange  my inventory, the more gets unarranged. Since I’m doing more events, it gets more and more unarranged!

6. Have you ever done anything in Second Life that would be considered illegal in real life? I think the only thing I ever did that will be illegal in real life is shooting someone, but then again, I missed in Second Life. My shooting skills in real life are much better. Something my brother hates! I kick his ass.

7. If you could go out on a date with any other avatar, who would it be? I have to honestly say that I have no answer to this question.

8. Who, in your opinion, was the greatest avatar to ever slive? Okay so he had a few and yes, I love the look of each of them. Mr Jake Mason.

9. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done inworld? Way to many to put here!

10. If your avatar had a mind of its own, what do you think it would say to you? Stop being a hermit!
weird questions meme
Now for some good news! The Thrift Shop is actually open one day longer! The top I’m wearing is available at the Masoom stand and the pants is a new release from Pixelites – available in a wide range of colors and its available now at the mainstore.
weird questions meme

Skin: izzie’s Irene – sunkissed
Hair: truth hair – storm

Top: [[masoom]]  ruffle bolero – the thrift shop
Pants: P I X E L I T E S – booty shorts – red
Shoes: {T A R A} extreMe shoes – Caprice Black/red

Bracelets: (red)Mint – Bangles w/Rings (Silver)
Earrings: .:*LOULOU&CO*:. Polaris
Tattoo: Letis Tattoo – Leg Tattoo Rosary
The Thrift Shop Promo Flier