58: Pandateria

The Queen of Pretzels

Today I traveled to Rome!

I have gone to the real-life Rome and I gotta say that I kind of liked this one more. It was less smelly, less people, less messy, and much less noisy!


But another thing about this Rome sim… its pretty. I have roleplayed in Rome sims before, I must admit it was before I joined GE Gor (Not much fighting in BTB) and I was a tad in awe of all the fighters (Though it has nothing on Gor). But all the Rome sims have always been… ugly. Like REALLY ugly. But this was really pretty! So head down to Pandateria and take a look around is really is a very pretty sim.






Hair:*Calico* Mantha
Bracers: [The Forge] Asgar Bracer UltraRare (Fantasy Gacha)
Chain Harness: !dM ChainedLust – chainHarness

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